Početna / Rados Djurovic (Strana 8)

Rados Djurovic

Meeting in Vienna: The Refugee route through the Balkans continues to be in function

source: Beta     photo: Beta Vienna, October 3rd - At the Vienna international conference entitled "Balkan Refugee route to European solidarity", involving the largest humanitarian organization from Austria, Germany, Macedonia, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Serbia; Rados Djurovic Director of…

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Berlin offers refugees 1,200 euros to leave

Source:Politika    autgor: Nenad Radicevic   photo: Reuters/Dominik Ebenbisher) Frankfurt, Heidelberg March 7th– According to German right-wing politicians and many international media continue to point out that Angela Merkel leads to a liberal migrant policy, this election year in German evidence will…

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Expelled from the EU, Desperate Syrians return to Syria

Source: Ve?ernji  list    Au.htor: Hassan Haidar Diab   23.1.2017 -"I wish to return to Syria, because this kind of humiliation is not necessary. I regret leaving. I spent all that I had, more than 6 thousand dollars and now I'll…

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The ruin of Europe in a mirror

  "Securing Borders" is in face a ware the EU is waging against refugees left by the dishonesty of the Sea and Balkan Routes. And Europe would not be what it is if it had not accepted refugees for decades,"…

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Thousands of Refugees stuck in Serbia – Limb with villages

 Source: DW | author: Nemanja Rujevic   photo: Nemanja Rujevic  Belgrade, November 29 -  Thousands of refugees are stuck in Serbia - They can not go forward, they will not go back. Officially camps are arranged enough to receive everyone. Unofficially, the centers are in…

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EU gave 40 million euros in grants to Serbia

prepared by APC   photo: | Južne vesti Belgrade, September 30 - Since September 2015, the European Union has given 40 million Euros of grants to support Serbia in managing refugee and migrant flows, the EU Delegation in Belgrade announced. More than 10.7 million…

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Refugees in Serbia – They can’t move forward, and going back is not an option

author: APC | photo: APC    Bogovadja, October 20 – The borders are closed for refugees. Borders of Turkey, through Bulgaria, Macedonia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania are guarded by police officers, soldiers, dogs, helicopters, reinforced fences, with the announcement of new means of protection...Thousands…

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Smugglers know the way to Serbia

 izvor: DW | autor: A Andrejev / G. Papako?ev   foto: dpa D.Savic Bulgaria fears a tide of refugees Now that the western Balkan route is closed, refugees are increasingly trying to reach the EU via its eastern Bulgarian border. The government in…

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FRONTEX: The number of refugees in Europe has fallen since April, with the largest number going to Italy

prepared by:  APC    Photo: Gety images/AFP/L.Goluliamaki  PARIS, July 12 (Reuters) - The number of illegal migrants entering Europe has fallen since April after the European Union sealed a deal with Turkey to halt flows across the Aegean Sea, the border…

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Stranded on the Serbian-Hungarian border

Reške, May 14 - Ahmed with his friends, cooks water in a metal pot. Their campfire is located in Serbia, just a few steps from a barbed wire barrier in front of the border with Hungary. Ahmed, who was a…

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Idomeni – the first slums of the European Union

Idomeni, april 11 - Every morning, three or four buses arrive in Idomeni. They park at the beginning of the asphalt road leading to the refugee camp and - wait. In the afternoon they drive onwards, by then they are…

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Refugees stuck on the Balkan route: Waiting for hope

Preševo, March 23 -  About 600 refugees, mostly from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, have been stuck in Presevo after the closing of the Balkan Route. Some of them were sent back from Croatia, some during their transit, where they did not…

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The influx of refugees to Greece is not slowing down

Athens, March 21 -  The influx of refugees in Greece from Turkey is not slowing down despite the EU and Turkey agreement on curbing the flow of migrants, so the Greek SOMP's Coordination Body for the Coordination of the Migrant Policy…

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The EU buried humanity

In bargaining for refugees, the European Union has engaged in dirty business with Turkey - in which there is no room to talk about the state of law. The Union also forgot about humanity and values" says Barbara Vezel Victories…

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The rules on the Balkan refugee route are changing, human drama’s remain the same

author: APC | photo: APC   Šid, Belgrade, Preševo, March 4 – While in Ankara, Athens, Munich and Brussels they seek solutions for a refugee crisis that Europe did not see since WWII, at border crossings, people are fleeing, the living faces of the…

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