Početna / Social & integration support

Social & integration support

Pedagogical, Social and Integration Protection Sector (pedagogical/workshop assistance, assistance in education, interaction/integration assistance, social assistance, youth work, COI unit, student practices/internships, volunteering, humanitarian work).

APC Bakery provides food and trains refugees

Our bakery provides food and trains refugees APC Bakery is a separate sector in our organization (APC/CZA) dealing with food production and aiming to provide additional food rations to refugees and their children across Serbia. Among others refugees, APC Bakery…

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APC helps the most vulnerable refugees

Source: APC Photo: APC Date: October 27, 2023 APC strives to provide our vulnerable refugees with adequate support and assistance, according to their needs. Among them there are also those who are particularly vulnerable and need special attention and help.…

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APC supports Ukrainian refugees in integration and communication with various institutions

Source: APC Photo: APC Belgrade, October 25, 2023- APC helps its beneficiaries in exercising various rights and services on the path of integration upon arrival in our country. In addition to helping them regulate their status and obtain documentation, we…

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Support for the children in the Institute for the Education of Children and Youth in Niš

Niš, 04/08/2022 - APC/CZA has been providing legal, psychological and integration support to refugees in Serbia for 15 years. A particularly vulnerable group are unaccompanied children, whom we meet all over the country, very often in inhumane conditions, without the…

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Refugees introducing our culture and art

Belgrade, 03/24/2022 - The APC/CZA integration sector strives to provide asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia with the opportunity to learn about local culture, the work of cultural institutions, to visit the theater, exhibitions and various cultural events, to become…

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Conference “COVID19 Challenges in response to refugees in Western Balkans”

Belgrade 18.03.2022. - APC held presentation and public discussion regarding results of the first ever research conducted on response of Serbian health system to the COVID-19 challenges in protection of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, in Nova Iskra hub in…

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A new chance for Michael from Congo

Thirty-two-year-old Michael from Congo has been in Serbia for less than two years and would like to stay in our country because he feels safe here, speaks the Serbian language and tries to integrate into the Belgrade community. Upon his…

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Vranje, Bujanovac i jug Srbije u dometu APC pomoći

Vranje, južna Srbija. Naš mobilni tim pokriva ovaj deo Srbije, deli humanitarnu pomoć izbeglicama, majkama i deci, kojima je preko potrebna sveža hrana, pirinač, voće, vitamini ali i Anti-covid oprema i higijena, a u okviru projekta “Hitna multisektorska podrška migrantima/azilantima/licima…

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Pomoć tražiocima azila prilikom kupovine personalizovanih busplus kartica.

25.09.2020. Belgrade, APC/CZA volonteri, studenti i kulturni medijatori uz superviziju stručnih radnika naše organizacije u Beogradu pomažu tražiocima azila i izbeglicama prilikom kupovine personalizovanih Busplus kartica za prevoz. Kao i domaći građani – ako su nezaposleni, tražioci azila i izbeglice…

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Pomoć u otvaranju računa u banci i u zapošljavanju

Beograd 08.09.2020. Godinama APC integracijski tim pomaže tražiocima azila i izbeglicama u Srbiji da otvore račun u banci koji im je potreban radi primanja zarede, novčane socijalne pomoći, pomoći porodice.. U svim sredinama širom Srbije naši zaposleni, kolege i kulturni…

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Polazak mlade Zeynab u srednju skolu

Beograd, 02.o9.2020., Uključivanje u obrazovni sistem predstavlja jedan od najbitnijih aspekata integracije i preduslov psihosocijalne stabilnosti izbeglica i njihovog povezivanja sa lokalnom zajednicom. Integracijski sektor APC/CZA nastoji da svojim klijentima obezbedi ostvarivanje prava na obrazovanje, imajući na umu da  je…

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Pomoć u zapošljavanju za Hepines – prvi korak u integraciji u novoj sredini

19.07.2020. Beograd, Tražilja azila, poreklom iz jedne istočno- afričke zemlje godinu i po dana boravi u Srbiji. Naš tim ju zastupa u azilnoj proceduri. APC joj je pomogao da dobije ličnu radnu dozvolu i bude oslobođena plaćanja administrativne takse. Zajedno…

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Tinejdžer iz Avganistana polaznik “Malih pozorišnih eksperata” u Narodnom pozorištu bez pratnje poreklom iz Avganistana

15.07.2020. Beograd, Sedamnaestogodišnji Habib, tržilac azila poreklom iz Avganistana, u Srbiji je gotovo tri godine. Naučio je srpski jezik, redovan je đak srednje škole u Beogradu. Habiba u azilnoj proceduri zastupa APC/CZA što je bila njegova želja koju je njegov…

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Polaganje male mature mlade Zejnab

22.06.2020. Beograd, Porodica koju zastupa APC/CZA u azilnoj proceduri pre nekoliko meseci preselila se iz centra za azil u Beograd. Roditelji su se zaposlili a naš tim je pomogao bratu i sestri da upišu lokalnu školu blizu njihove kuće. Zateklo ih…

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APC/CZA panel in Belgrade “Access to employment for refugees and asylum seekers. in Serbia: Experiences, Challenges and Lessons Learned ”

06.12.2019. Belgrade, - Within the APC/CZA international event "Integration Days 2019", at the Hotel Zira, and within the project "Support to asylum seekers and persons granted protection in entering the labor market" in Serbia, funded by Switzerland Confederation, State Secretariat…

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APC southern team organized an integration event for youth and refugees in Bujanovac

Text: APC  Video: APC Bujanovac, 14 June 2019 - The APC Preševo ​​office organized an integration event in Bujanovac in cooperation with the cultural association “Dituria”. Young people from Bujanovac had the opportunity to meet refugees who are staying in…

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APC organized a video workshop in cooperation with Swedish collective “Noncitizen”

Prepared by: APC  Photo: APC Belgrade, June 05 2019 - In cooperation with "Noncitizen" collective from Sweden, we are organizing five days of video workshops with refugees located in Belgrade, Bogovadja, Banja Koviljaca and Sid. During the workshop, refugees have…

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A tour of Vojvodina for refugee children and Belgrade high school students

Prepared by: APC  Photo: APC Belgrade, Becej, Palic, 30 May 2019 - Ugostiteljsko-turistička škola from Belgrade and the APC/CZA Integration Team organized an excursion for students of this school and young refugees living in Belgrade. The refugees that were taken…

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