Authors: Alessia Peretti and Nicoletta Ionta ; Source: Euractiv; Photo: EPA-EFE/Angelo Carconi February 3, 2025 - The judges’ decisions are fuelling discontent within the government, which now faces an investigation into its recent repatriation of ICC-indicted Libyan warlord Almasri. The Italy-Albania migration…
Read moreThe Budapest Process and Serbia’s Efforts in Migration Prevention
Author: Asylum Protection Center; Photo: Radio-Television of Vojvodina, Serbia's Ministry of Interior 12 November, 2024 Despite field data and official statistics from the Hungarian police indicating that over the past seven days, 800 individuals from Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and…
Read moreThe EU and the Western Balkans Entwined in Migration Policy and Reality
Source: Tanjug TV Photo:Tanjug Belgrade, October 24, 2024 – Radoš Đurović, Director of the Management Board at the Asylum Protection Center appeared on the "T.ačka RAZNO" broadcast on Tanjug Television, where he discussed current migration and asylum policies in the EU…
Read moreTrilateral in Budapest on migrants
Source: RTS Budapest, 10/03/2022- The President of The Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, as well as the Federal Chancellor of Austria, Karl Nehammer, held a meeting in Budapest, where one of the topics…
Read moreBRN joins in demand to Croatian authorities for taking responsibility in Madina’s death !
Source: Balkan Refugee Network Date: 14.04.2022. The Grand Chamber Panel of the European Court of Human Rights rejected the referral request of the Republic of Croatia in the case of little Madina’s family. Thus, the judgement that the Republic of Croatia violated Madina's right…
Read moreRumunija vracanje uz upotrebu nasilja u Srbiju
13.08.2020. Beograd, Rumunija od početka godine u velikom broju sprovodi push back sa svojih granica sa Srbijom, uz pojačanu upotrebu nasilja. Tako APC svedoči o nasilju rumunske policije, koja vraća u Republiku Srbiju i više od 200 ljudi dnevno, u…
Read moreSlovenian Court Ruling a Boost in Battle against Refugee, Migrant ‘Pushbacks’
Source Birn Autor Kristina Bozic Slovenian court ruling a boost in battle against refugee pushbacks
Read moreSerbia and EU signed the agreement on border management cooperation
Source: European Western Balkans Portal Photo: Frontex logo; Photo: Christian Charisius Brussels, November , 2019 - European Union and Serbia signed the agreement on border management cooperation today in Brussels. According to a statement from the European Commission, the agreement will…
Read morePRESS RELEASE – The asylum draft bill violates international, EU and national law and exposes thousands of asylum seekers and refugees, the majority of whom are women and children, in high risk
Photo: Reuters Athens, October 23, 2019—On the evening of October 21, and mere hours after the just 5 day-long public consultations were concluded, the draft bill “on International Protection” was submitted to Parliament through the urgency procedure. The Greek Council…
Read morePRESS RELEASE The asylum draft bill violates international, EU and national law and exposes thousands of asylum seekers and refugees, the majority of whom are women and children, in high risk
Photo: Reuters Athens, October 23, 2019—On the evening of October 21, and mere hours after the just 5 day-long public consultations were concluded, the draft bill “on International Protection” was submitted to Parliament through the urgency procedure. The Greek Council…
Read moreEvery day in 2018, when crossing the Mediterranean, six refugees killed
Edited: APC Photo : REUTERS Geneva, January 30 - During the year 2018, six lives are lost each day in the attempt to cross the Mediterranean according to the latest report "The Wanderer's Roads", published today by the UN Refugee…
Read moreInternational Conference on the Integration of Refugees was held in Belgrade
Edited:apc Photo:apc BELGRADE,December 10- Asylum Protection Center organized an international conference on the challenges surrounding the integration of refugees in the Balkans and the EU from December 5-8 2018, in Belgrade. The conference brought together experts and representatives of organizations…
Read moreDjurovic: Migration can not be solved by unilateral acts
Source: RTS BELGRADE, Oct. 31 - Executive Director of Asylum Protection Center, Rados Djurovic told RTS that there is no global solution to the problem of migration. "Our position is like a buffer zone," Djurovic pointed out. Today, migration is…
Read moreFrontex already in Serbia
Belgrade, September 20 - Members of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency will be deployed on the borders of Serbia, as is envisaged by an agreement between Belgrade and Brussels, which has yet to be ratified. (English version below)…
Read moreGermany will be sending back migrants to Greece who previously sought asylum there
edited:APC BERLIN, August 18 - Germany will be returning migrants to Greece who previously sought asylum in the Mediterranean country, provided an agreement between the two nations. (English version below) An agreement…
Read moreFrontex: reduced number of illegal migrants entering the Western Balkans
edited:APC BRUSSELS, August 14 - In the first three months of this year, the number of illegal border crossings of migrants in the Western Balkans dropped by 10% compared to the same…
Read moreGermany Returning Migrants to Spain
edited:APC foto:DPA BERLIN, August 3 - Berlin and Madrid have reached an agreement that Spain will receive back migrants who are at the German border that were previously registered in that country,…
Read more1,500 Migrants Have Lost Their Lives in the Mediterranean since the beginning of the year
edited:APC foto:Rojters NEW YORK, August 3 - More than 1,500 migrants lost their lives in the Mediterranean in the first seven months of this year in an attempt to reach Europe, while…
Read moreEU proposing to countries that accept migrants, € 6,000 for each migrant
Edited: APC Brussels, July 24th - The European Commission proposed today to pay EUR 6,000 to member states of the European Union (EU) for each migrant saved on the Mediterranean Sea that they accept. The commission said it wants to offer…
Read moreUN: “68.5 million displaced persons worldwide”
Priredio: APC foto: (Petros Giannakouris) GENEVA, June 19th - In the annual report, the Global Trends of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) states that at the end of 2017, 68.5 million people were displaced worldwide, including 16.2 million people…
Read more“Axis of the Willing in the EU – Protects Europe from Migrants
Edited: APC Photo: Routers BERLIN/VIENNA, June 14th - Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and German Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer want to establish cooperation at the regional level with Italy in order to prevent illegal migration. Austria, Germany…
Read moreMedina’s Family Released from Custody in Tovarnik and Transferred to the Center for Asylum Seekers in Kutina
Edited: APC Photo:APC ZAGREB, June 6th - The family of six-year-old Afghan girl Medina Hoseini, who died tragically after being hit by a train at the border crossing between Croatia and Serbia, was released after more than 70 days in detention…
Read moreRepresentatives of the Balkans in Sarajevo: Joint actions to prevent illegal migration
Source: Beta Photo: Beta SARAJEVO, June 7th - At today's meeting in Sarajevo, representatives of the Western Balkan countries committed to jointly prevent illegal migration, smuggling and trafficking in human beings. Representatives of Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia,…
Read moreNew migrant route through Bosnia and Herzegovina
Edited: APC SARAJEVO/ZAGREB, May 8th - The migrant crisis has reached Bosnia and Herzegovina. More than 100 migrants enter Bosnia and Herzegovina daily, Slobodan Ujic, director of the Foreign Affairs Service Bih told Radio Sarajevo that this trend will continue in…
Read moreDramatic increase in migrants arriving in Greece
edited: APC ATHENS, May 7th - The number of migrants arriving in Greece from Turkey, by sea and land, is increasing, the Greek authorities warn, and the media there. Only Sunday morning on the islands of Lesbos and Sios arrived…
Read moreHungary refused to ratify a European-African statement, because, they claim it’s pro-migrant
edited: APC photo: MTI:Molnár Edvárd BUDAPEST, May 3rd - Hungary has refused to ratify a European-African statement stating the 'welfare of migration for development', which was adopted at a ministerial conference in Morocco, attended by 60 European and African…
Read moreEU must establish common ‘safe’ and ‘regular’ migration paths
Source: The Parlament magazine June 2014. It is the EU's collective responsibility to ensure migration is handled in a humane, effective and sustainable way.Soon after the sea started to warming up, the number of migrants and asylum seekers reaching the…
Read moreBulgaria: Asylum Seekers Summarily Expelled
According to the report of the international non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch - "Containment Plan: Bulgaria's Pushbacks and Detention of Syrian and other Asylum Seekers and Migrants", which was released a few days ago, the Bulgarian government has launched a…
Read moreMigrants face ‘living hell’ in Greek detention
SOURCE: The Gardian 01. April 2014. Migrants and asylum-seekers detained in Greece are being forced to endure deplorable conditions, often with devastating effects on their health, according to a report from aid agency Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Doctors who have…
Read moreTwo Ukrainian citizens have sought asylum in Serbia
SOURCE: Tanjug 19.03.2014. Since the beginning of the year two Ukrainian citizens have sought asylum in Serbia, while ten of them inquired about asylum conditions, says Rados Djurovic executive director of Asylum Protection Center. Among them, he declares, there are…
Read moreEnd of benefits for asylum seekers
Source :Deutsche Welle 20.03.2014. German Ministry of Foreign Affairs started an initiative for Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania to be listed as "safe countries of origin". Asylum requests from this kind of countries are being processed in…
Read moreItalians rescue more than 2000 emigrants from North Africa
Source: Blic 19.03.2014. Over the last 48 hours, Italian naval and coast guard vessels rescued more than 2000 migrants traveling in boats from North Africa. The migrants have been provided accommodation in a refugee camp in the island of Lampedusa.…
Read moreFRONTEX: Most persons entering the EU irregularly are Syrians
A new report by the EU border agency Frontex shows that most persons detected crossing irregularly into the EU between July and September 2013 were Syrians. Syrians also submitted more applications for asylum than any other nationality. According to the…
Read moreEU countries must share responsibility for refugees, Sweden insists
Source : Euroactiv 10.03.2014. The Swedish minister for migration, Tobias Billström, has urged the European Commission to act against countries that do not follow EU rules when it comes to shared responsibility for accepting refugees. He said that 90% of…
The European Council of Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) together with 100 partners in 34 countries has launched Europe Act Now ( calling on European leaders to protect refugees fleeing the Syrian war.To date, just 81,000 Syrians have sought protection in…
Read moreBavaria for the new measures against asylum seekers from the former Yugoslavia
SOURCE : Danas 13. 02.2014. Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann demanded from the federal government in Berlin to take measures to limit the number of asylum seekers from former Yugoslav countries and Albania. Herrmann said that there is a "mass…
Read moreAn open and safe Europe – what next?
Due to the expiration of the Stockholm Programme at the end of 2014, the European Council will adopt in June strategic guidelines indicating the way forward in the area of Justice and Home Affairs in the EU. In the context…
Read moreEuropean Parliament: Resolution adopted during plenary on undocumented women migrants in the EU
Source: ECRE 07.02.2013. The resolution calls on EU Member States to distinguish immigration policies from the healthcare, education and prosecution of crimes against undocumented women migrants. Such a distinction would enable this group to access their fundamental rights regardless of…
Read moreMontenegro opens the first Centre for Asylum Seekers
Source: Pobjeda 03.02.2014. Center for asylum seekers, as the first of its kind in Montenegro, is open in Spuz on February 3rd, 2014."Montenegro, as a country that borders with the European Union (EU), since Croatia joined the EU in mid…
Read moreEuropean migration policy and the asylum system
In the Annual Report for 2013 of the international organization Human Rights Watch about the situation of human rights in the member states of the European Union is stated that xenophobia, racism and discrimination still represent a serious problem in…
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