BELGRADE, May 9, 2019 – APC/CZA successfully secured asylum in the Republic of Serbia for a member of the LGBT community for the second time, this time fleeing persecution in Iran. During the asylum procedure that lasted for more than…
Read moreYoung refugees should receive additional temporary support after the age of 18, recommends the Committee of Ministers
Source: Council of Europe Photo: Council of Europe Strasbourg, 24 April 2019 - The Council of Europe member States should provide to young refugees additional temporary support after the age of 18 to enable them to access their rights, advocates…
Read moreRefugee stories open the hearts of youth in Bujanovac
Text: APC Photo: APC Bujanovac, 24 April 2019 – As part of the integration activities, APC partners with a large number of schools and local organizations throughout the country. With thee schools and organizations, we organize joint classes, socialize with…
Read moreIncreased number of attempts to cross northern borders with Croatia and Hungary
Belgrade, March 01 - As the APC team has found out in the field, more and more migrants are attempting to cross at the northern borders with Croatia and Hungary, in the past week. Groups of about 20 to 30 migrants,…
Read moreNew Asylum Granted to Persecuted LGBT person
Belgrade, March 22 - In March 2019, the Republic of Serbia granted asylum in the scope of refugee protection to a gay man from Iran, on the basis of belonging to a social group – LGBT persons. During the six-month asylum…
Read moreFrom Afghanistan, the first refugee entrepreneur in Serbia
prepared by: APC photo: APC BELGRADE, February 10 - A 46 year old man from Afghanistan is the first entrepreneurial refugee in Serbia. Two months ago, he received the right to establish an entrepreneurial service for the provision…
Read moreEvery day in 2018, when crossing the Mediterranean, six refugees killed
Edited: APC Photo : REUTERS Geneva, January 30 - During the year 2018, six lives are lost each day in the attempt to cross the Mediterranean according to the latest report "The Wanderer's Roads", published today by the UN Refugee…
Read moreAsylum granted to unaccompanied minor in Serbia for the first time
author:APC/BETA photo:Reuters Belgrade, January 28 - At the end of 2018, an unaccompanied minor girl from an African country received asylum in Serbia - this was the first instance of asylum being granted to an unaccompanied minor in our…
Read moreCommissioner for the Protection of Equality: VIP mobile discriminated against Refugee
Edited: APC Photo: APC Belgrade, January 20th - The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, following a complaint made by Asylum Protection Center, issued an opinion and recommendation that VIP mobile, a mobile operator, violated…
Read moreDjurovic: About 400 migrants staying outdoors
Source: Tanjug Photo: N. Skenderija Belgrade, January 8 - It is estimated that between 5,000 and 6,000 refugees are currently in Serbia, where approximately 350 to 400 of them are staying outside in the cold, director of the Asylum…
Read moreInternational Conference on the Integration of Refugees was held in Belgrade
Edited:apc Photo:apc BELGRADE,December 10- Asylum Protection Center organized an international conference on the challenges surrounding the integration of refugees in the Balkans and the EU from December 5-8 2018, in Belgrade. The conference brought together experts and representatives of organizations…
Read moreThe Rise of Anti-Refugee Rhetoric in the Western Balkans and Central Europe
Source: BETA Edited: APC Photo: APC Belgrade, December 9 - In almost all countries of the Western Balkans and Central Europe there is noticeable intensified anti-refugee rhetoric, and the actions of political groups against the acceptance…
Read morePanel: Serbia, in addition to being a transit country, is also becoming a destination country for migrants
Source: BETA Edited: APC Photo: APC Belgrade, December 07 - Serbia is a country that is becoming a destination country for migrants, primarily thanks to its position on the EU's external border and the fact that it…
Read moreAPC in Cairo – Visiting StARS organization that looks after refugees
Author: APC Photo: APC - This month, Asylum Protection Center was in Cairo, visitin StARS, one of the first organizations in Egypt dedicated to caring for and improving the conditions of refugees and migrants. A unique visit, that…
Read moreResearch and policy brief on the education of refugee children in Serbia – the Challenges of Integration
Author: APC/CZA Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 22nd - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…
Read moreResearch and Policy Brief on Refugee Protection Policy and Practice – Temporary Protection Mechanism
Author: APC/CZA Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 21st - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…
Read moreResearch and policy brief on the health protection of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia
Author: APC/CZA Photo: APC/CZA Belgrade. November 15th - Asylum Protection Center alongside the Center for Public Policy through joint efforts during the past year, have prepared research and a policy…
Read moreIranian Asylum Seekers Wish to Integrate As Soon As Possible
Arranged by: APC Photo: APC Banja Koviljaca / Bogovadja, November 11 - Amongst the refugees and migrants we've met with in recent months at reception and asylum…
Read moreResponse of APC to TV Prva’s Broadcast from 05.11.
PRVA SRPSKA TELEVIZIJA Autoput 22 11080 Zemun Press Release on Migrants and Refugees in Journal Prva from 05.11.2018 Dear Sir or Madame, In the broadcast on migrants and refugees published in the Journal of your television, from 05.11.2018, and furthermore…
Read moreRefugees at Exhibition About First World War
Banja Koviljaca, November 5th - On October 31st a visit to the Jadar Museum was organized within the framework of LOVE integration support, with a group of refugees who are housed at the asylum center in Banja Koviljaca. After numerous…
Read moreDjurovic: Migration can not be solved by unilateral acts
Source: RTS BELGRADE, Oct. 31 - Executive Director of Asylum Protection Center, Rados Djurovic told RTS that there is no global solution to the problem of migration. "Our position is like a buffer zone," Djurovic pointed out. Today, migration is…
Read moreRahima, who wanted to escape her suffering with death was saved by hope
Belgrade, October 19 – We first met 19-year-old Rahima in mid-July this year when, in front of the refugee camp in Subotica, she came out to talk with our team that visits every day to provide legal and psychological help…
Read moreCroatian Police Threaten Afghan Boys with Weapons
SOMBOR, October 5th - On the border of Croatia and Hungary, there are currently between 800 and 1000 persons attempting to cross the border or currently residing in its vicinity; with these attempts becoming more frequent as winter approaches. Intimidation, threats…
Read moreAPC in Lebanon, the country with the highest number of refugees per capita
Edited: APC Photo: APC Beirut, September 28th - Representatives of our organization visited Lebanon, a small Mediterranean country where about a million refugees reside, making it the country with the largest number of refugees per capita in the world.…
Read morePolice Transfer 100 robbed and barefoot migrants from Croatia to Serbia
Principovac, September 24th - Migrants trying to enter Croatia from Serbia are exposed to the maltreatment and violence of Croatian policemen. Our team that regularly visits camps on our northern border and confronts people who are outdoors waiting for an…
Read moreViolence against minor migrants trying to cross the Croatian border
Sid / Sombor, September 21 - An increasing number of migrants from Serbia are trying to enter Europe across the Croatian border, among them a large number of minors aged 12 to 17, and are often subjected to physical violence…
Read moreFrontex already in Serbia
Belgrade, September 20 - Members of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency will be deployed on the borders of Serbia, as is envisaged by an agreement between Belgrade and Brussels, which has yet to be ratified. (English version below)…
Read moreDjurovic: About 2,000 migrants outside of reception centers
Source: RTS BELGRADE, August 26 - Rados Djurovic from Asylum Protection Center spoke with RTS that this year marked the news that a significant number of migrants circumvent Serbia's reception centers and that there are currently about 2,000 of them…
Read moreGermany will be sending back migrants to Greece who previously sought asylum there
edited:APC BERLIN, August 18 - Germany will be returning migrants to Greece who previously sought asylum in the Mediterranean country, provided an agreement between the two nations. (English version below) An agreement…
Read moreFrontex: reduced number of illegal migrants entering the Western Balkans
edited:APC BRUSSELS, August 14 - In the first three months of this year, the number of illegal border crossings of migrants in the Western Balkans dropped by 10% compared to the same…
Read moreDrawings of refugee children and exhibition of artists from India
edited: APC foto: APC BELGRADE, AUGUST 9 - The works of Raj and Manik Shinge, famous Indian artists, were recently on display in the "Stara Kapetanija" Gallery in Zemun, and among the…
Read moreGermany Returning Migrants to Spain
edited:APC foto:DPA BERLIN, August 3 - Berlin and Madrid have reached an agreement that Spain will receive back migrants who are at the German border that were previously registered in that country,…
Read more1,500 Migrants Have Lost Their Lives in the Mediterranean since the beginning of the year
edited:APC foto:Rojters NEW YORK, August 3 - More than 1,500 migrants lost their lives in the Mediterranean in the first seven months of this year in an attempt to reach Europe, while…
Read moreJamila’s flee from her husband and fear of the future
Edited: APC Photo: APC Bogovadja, August - Jamila is a single mother from Afghanistan. We met her for the first time half a year ago in Bogovadja. She seemed lost with her three sons by her side, but she accepted…
Read moreMigrants Kicked Out of Adasevci, With The Help of APC Returned To Camp
edited: APC foto: APC ADASEVCI, July 31st - During our regular visit to the Reception Center this morning in Adasevci, our team found an upset group of migrants in front of the camp from Iran, among whom there was one…
Read moreEU proposing to countries that accept migrants, € 6,000 for each migrant
Edited: APC Brussels, July 24th - The European Commission proposed today to pay EUR 6,000 to member states of the European Union (EU) for each migrant saved on the Mediterranean Sea that they accept. The commission said it wants to offer…
Read moreSaber: I want to stay in Serbia and work, why would that be a problem?
edited: APC foto: APC BELGRADE, July 13 - We've known Saber for half a year already. He's 26 and comes from Iran. From the very first meeting in Belgrade, he wanted to break every possible sign of prejudice about…
Read moreEU agreement: stop migration from outside the borders of the Union, solidarity amongst the members absent
edited: APC foto: Apc July 1st - Despite the fear that a complete failure would come from the EU Summit of the EU Member States on the topic of migration, held last week, given their different views on this issue…
Read moreI’m a refugee all my life, I up bring refugee children
pripremio: APC foto: APC SUBOTICA, July 1- We first met with Akbar at the Transit Center in Subotica at which he had just arrived to with his family from another camp. He took our call seriously to invite us whenever he…
Read moreUN: “68.5 million displaced persons worldwide”
Priredio: APC foto: (Petros Giannakouris) GENEVA, June 19th - In the annual report, the Global Trends of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) states that at the end of 2017, 68.5 million people were displaced worldwide, including 16.2 million people…
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