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Zahtev za azil nedostupan izbeglicama.

10.02.2021. Beograd, Još od stupanja na snagu Zakona o azilu i privremenoj zaštiti i donošenja Pravilnika o sadržini i izgledu obrasca zahteva za azil i sadržini i izgledu obrazaca isprava koje se izdaju tražiocu azila i licu kojem je odobren…

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Azilni postupak nedostižan za izbeglice

27.11.2020. Beograd, Prema informacijama sa kojima raspolaže naš centar, Kancelarija za azil nije tokom čitave godine posetila Centar za azil Tutin gde su smeštena lica koja žele da podnesu zahtev za azil. Da bi lica koja su registrovana i koja…

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Prvi slučaj spajanja porodice izbeglice u Srbiji

20.07.2020. Beograd, Centar za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila sa izrazitim zadovoljstvom izdaje saopštenje da su odobrene vize za prvo spajanje porodice izbeglice u Republici Srbiji od nastanka azilnog sistema 2007 godine. Naime, radi se o porodici izbeglice iz Avganistana…

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CMS SUBMITS CRIMINAL REPORT TO DORH: Systematic torture and humiliation of refugees is a criminal offense!

05.06.2020. Zagreb, Centre for Peace Studies filed a criminal complaint to the State Attorney's Office in Zagreb against the unknown perpetrators police officers based on a reasonable doubt of degrading treatment and torture of 33 people and their violent, illegal…

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Personal work permits for clients of Asylum Protection Centar.

During 2019, Asylum Protection Centar continued to help asylum seekers and refugees obtain personal work permits in order to join the labor market without hindrance. According to the Center's statistics, more than 100 personal work permits have been issued for…

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Police is suspending submission of asylum claims in Serbia

24.03.2020. Belgrade Due to the declared state of emergency, The Government of Serbia issued a decision for suspending, the procedure for taking biometric data of foreigners on 24.03.2020, until further notice, As  process for claiming asylum involves taking of biometric…

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Serbia and EU signed the agreement on border management cooperation

Source: European Western Balkans Portal  Photo: Frontex logo; Photo: Christian Charisius Brussels, November , 2019 - European Union and Serbia signed the agreement on border management cooperation today in Brussels. According to a statement from the European Commission, the agreement will…

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PRESS RELEASE – The asylum draft bill violates international, EU and national law and exposes thousands of asylum seekers and refugees, the majority of whom are women and children, in high risk

Photo: Reuters Athens, October 23, 2019—On the evening of October 21, and mere hours after the just 5 day-long public consultations were concluded, the draft bill “on International Protection” was submitted to Parliament through the urgency procedure. The Greek Council…

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PRESS RELEASE The asylum draft bill violates international, EU and national law and exposes thousands of asylum seekers and refugees, the majority of whom are women and children, in high risk

Photo: Reuters Athens, October 23, 2019—On the evening of October 21, and mere hours after the just 5 day-long public consultations were concluded, the draft bill “on International Protection” was submitted to Parliament through the urgency procedure. The Greek Council…

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Europe migrant crisis: Calls to redistribute migrants as arrivals rise

Source: BBC  Photo: Getty Images Athens, September 19 - France and Italy are calling for a new system to automatically redistribute migrants across the EU as the number of people entering Europe surges. "The European Union hasn't shown enough solidarity…

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Erdoğan threatens to let Syrian refugees leave Turkey for west unless safe zone in Syria is set up

Source: The Guardian  Photo: Anadolu Agency Ankara, September 05, 2019 - The Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is threatening to “open the gates” to allow Syrian refugees to leave Turkey for western countries unless a controversial “safe zone” inside Syria…

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Commissioner talks about violence and illegal expulsion of migrants by Croatian police for the first time

Source: TV Prva Belgrade, September 01, 2019 - Violence by Croatian police against migrants at the border has now taken on dramatic proportions, said Rados Djurovic, director of the Asylum Protection Centre (APC/CZA), in the Morning program on TV Prva.…

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Greece sees first mass arrival of migrant boats in three years

Source: Ekathimerini  Photo: RTE Athens, 30 August 2019 - Over a dozen migrant boats landed on Greece’s Lesbos island within minutes of each other on Thursday in the first such mass arrival from neighbouring Turkey in three years, officials said,…

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Croatia illegally returns over 60 refugees a day to Serbia

Text: APC Photo: APC Sid, August 30, 2019 - According to information gathered by the APC / CZA mobile team during regular visits to open locations near the border with Croatia, the Croatian police, in addition to the brutality with…

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Migrant/refugee situation on the northern border of Serbia from July 22 to August 2, 2019

Text: APC  Photo: APC Subotica, Horgoš, Kelebija, Kikinda, 03 August 2019. -  APC/CZA staff regularly visit border areas in northern Serbia, migrant and refugee reception camps and open locations where migrants and refugees are located along the borders with Croatia,…

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Migrant/refugee situation on the northern border of Serbia from July 08 to July 19, 2019

Text: APC  Photo: APC Subotica, Horgoš, Kelebija, Kikinda, July 20, 2019. –  APC/CZA staff regularly visit border areas in northern Serbia, migrant and refugee reception camps and open locations where migrants and refugees are located along the borders with Croatia,…

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Migrant/refugee situation on the northern border of Serbia from June 25 to July 05

Text: APC  Photo: APC Subotica, Horgoš, Kelebija, Kikinda, July 6, 2019 - APC/CZA mobile team regularly visits border areas in northern Serbia, as well as transit and reception camps for migrants and refugees in Subotica, Kikinda, Sid and Principovac, including…

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EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the EU 2018

Source: EASO  Photo: EASO Brussels, 25 June 2019 - European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published annual report on the situation of asylum in EU. The objective of the EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union…

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EASO Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the EU 2018

Source: EASO  Photo: EASO Brussels, 25 June 2019 - European Asylum Support Office released the annual report on the situation of asylum in the European Union on 24 June 2019. The objective of the EASO Annual Report on the Situation…

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Migrant/refugee situation in the south of Serbia from April 22 to June 24, 2019

Text: APC  Photo: APC Bujanovac, Preševo, Vranje, Pirot, June 24, 2019 -  APC/CZA mobile team regularly visits border areas in southern Serbia, as well as transit and reception camps for migrants and refugees in Presevo, Vranje, Bujanovac, Pirot, Nis, Dimitrivograd…

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Djurovic: The human attitude towards refugees is crucial in order to understand them and help them

Source: Radio Beograd 1  Photo: APC Belgrade, 20 June 2019 - On the occasion of World Refugee Day, Misa Stojiljkovic hosted Rados Djurovic in the morning program of Radio Belgrade 1 "Catch the Day!". During the show’s regular section "Question…

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Call to form a center for migrant children

Belgrade, June 07, 2019 - After the recent double homicide of unaccompanied minors in Belgrade, we are demanding that Serbian authorities establish a special center for unaccompanied minor migrants. Occurring within 48 hours of each other, these deaths are inexcusable.…

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APC shortlisted for 2018/19 “Rainbow” Award

Source: gsa.org.rs  Photo: gsa.org.rs Belgrade, May 13 2019 – Asylum Protection Center was shortlisted for the 2018/19th “Rainbow” Award, seventh in a row since 2012. The jury who is deciding on the 2018/19 “Rainbow” Award, formed a shortlist of 5…

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Young refugees should receive additional temporary support after the age of 18, recommends the Committee of Ministers

Source: Council of Europe  Photo: Council of Europe Strasbourg,  24 April 2019 - The Council of Europe member States should provide to young refugees additional temporary support after the age of 18 to enable them to access their rights, advocates…

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New Asylum Granted to Persecuted LGBT person

Belgrade, March 22 - In March 2019, the Republic of Serbia granted asylum in the scope of refugee protection to a gay man from Iran, on the basis of belonging to a social group – LGBT persons. During the six-month asylum…

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