Početna / Rados Djurovic (Strana 3)

Rados Djurovic

New migrant routes do not pass by Serbia

Source: RTS Belgrade, 11/07/2021- Two days ago, the police again found 81 illegal migrant and took them to a reception center. Refugees are constantly looking for new routes, but they always go through Serbia. Due to the pandemic and the…

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The ‘People’s Patrol’ disturbed the people of Sombor: Posters and calls to lynch people who provided accommodation to migrants appeared

Source: Euronews Belgrade, 10/12/2021- The activists and sympathizers of the so-called ‘People's Patrol’ organized in Sombor a protest against migrants during the weekend. On their social networks and around the city, they taped the photos and names of people they…

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We are not ready for the refugees from Afghanistan

Source: Nova Belgrade, 08/19/2021 - The crisis of migrants from Afghanistan threatens the whole of Europe, and the culmination will be if the refugees reach Turkey, says Radoš Đurović, director of Asylum Protection Center. Although the main messages of the…

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The people will flee from the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, if a new refugee crisis awaits us

Source: RTS Belgrade, 08/18/2021 - Executive Director of Asylum Protection Center, Radoš Đurović, tells RTS that effects of the situation in Afghanistan, in the context of refugees, will be visible only in a few months. However, he adds, a massive…

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Countries on the ‘Balkan route’ are preparing for refugees fleeing the Taliban

Source: Radio Slobodna Evropa Đurović: Serbia needs long-term plans for migration management Belgrade, 08/17/2021 - Radoš Đurović from the Belgrade non-governmental Asylum Protection Center says that it is difficult to assess whether the situation in Afghanistan will trigger a larger…

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Đurović: Serbia will feel the increase in the number of refugees from Afghanistan only in a few months

Source: Beta Belgrade, August 16, 2020 - The executive director of Asylum Protection Center, Radoš Đurović, said today that the consequences of the crisis in Afghanistan, i.e. a possible increase in migration, will be felt in Serbia and the Balkans…

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What if the myriad of refugees from Afghanistan goes to Europe, through Serbia?

Source: Tanjug Belgrade, 08/16/2021 -The director of Asylum Protection Center says that after the Taliban took over Kabul, a massive influx of refugees from that country can be expected. According to Radoš Đurović, they primarily gravitate, via the Mediterranean, towards…

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IS A NEW WAVE OF REFUGEES AWAITING US? Will the migrant crisis of 2015 repeat due to the Taliban coming to power in Afghanistan? Serbia will be especially vulnerable because of one thing

Source: Blic Belgrade, 08/16/2021 - The Taliban arrival in power in Afghanistan, among other things, may also mean the arrival of a large number of refugees from this country to the Balkans, but we should not expect the migrant crisis…

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Pushbacks on the southern borders of Serbia in 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought significant changes around the world and in various aspects of life, and thus in migration. With the declaration of the corona virus pandemic, refugees in Serbia found themselves in an extremely unfavorable position, facing…

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New family reunification in 2021.

27/04/2021 Belgrade, The Asylum Office of the Republic of Serbia passed a new decision on family reunification in 2021. Unlike the case of family reunification from Afghanistan from last year, when six family members of Afghan citizens came to Serbia,…

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Upravni sud potvrdio povredu prava na prevođenje.

Upravni sud je presudom 16 U 9284/2020 usvojio tužbu Centra za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila i ponovio da je došlo do povrede prava na upotrebu i vođenje upravnog postupka na jeziku koji stranka, u ovom slučaju azilant  S.A. iz Avganistana,…

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Zahtev za azil nedostupan izbeglicama.

10.02.2021. Beograd, Još od stupanja na snagu Zakona o azilu i privremenoj zaštiti i donošenja Pravilnika o sadržini i izgledu obrasca zahteva za azil i sadržini i izgledu obrazaca isprava koje se izdaju tražiocu azila i licu kojem je odobren…

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Biased information and inactivity of those responsible are the reason for xenophobia.

28/01/2021 Belgrade, After incorrectly transmitted information in most mainstream media about the robbery in the center of Belgrade allegedly committed by migrants, the public and citizens felt threatened, and fear and animosity towards migrants, asylum seekers and refugees increased. Without…

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Maloletnik u besvesnom stanju usled smrzavanja na otvorenom.

Maloletnik bez pratnje roditelja M. A. (16) poreklom iz Sirije, pronadjen je u šumi u okolini Subotice, i hitno dana 17.11.2020. godine primljen u bolnicu u besvesnom stanju. Dijagnostifikovana mu je hipotermija, sepsa, meningitis, delimicna oduzetost tela i upala pluća,…

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Azilni postupak nedostižan za izbeglice

27.11.2020. Beograd, Prema informacijama sa kojima raspolaže naš centar, Kancelarija za azil nije tokom čitave godine posetila Centar za azil Tutin gde su smeštena lica koja žele da podnesu zahtev za azil. Da bi lica koja su registrovana i koja…

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The APC is helping unaccompanied children get through the Covid19 situation.

Hygiene, traditional food and humanitarian aid are needed to reach everyone in need. Especially unaccompanied children. That is why we periodically deliver the same help in the form of food, hygiene, traditional food, fruit clothes, masks, vitamins, to institutions and…

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APC/CZA team working in the local office in the south of Serbia.

23.10.2020. Presevo, APC/CZA combined team of legal and psychosocial officers working in local office in the south of Serbia and visiting different cities (Vranje, Bujanovac, Presevo, Nis etc.) and monitoring Serbian-Macedonian and Serbian-Albanian borders to follow the number of refugee’s…

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Solidarity on paper, there will be nothing of that.

20.10.2020 Zagreb, the Center for Peace Studies and the Rehabilitation Center for Stress and Trauma held a press conference today on the European Square in Zagreb "Solidarnost na papiru, figa u džepu", regarding the new EU policies on migration and…

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Pomoć nepraćenoj deci izbeglicama bez pratnje smeštenim u Nišu

Niš, Južni tim Centra za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila dostavlja pomoć deci izbeglicama bez roditeljske pratnje smeštenim u Zavodu vaspitanje dece i omladine u Nišu. Zaštitne maske, sredstva za dezinfekciju ruku, donji veš, majice, vitamine i hranu. Ustanove socijalne…

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Pomoć za decu izbeglice smeštene u Bogovađi

Bogovadja, Tokom pandemije virusa COVID 19, Centrar za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila donira sredstva za zaštitu - maske i sredstva za dezinfekciju ruku, donji veš, vitamine i voće, deci izbeglicama bez roditeljske pratnje, koji su smešteni u izolovanom centru…

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Vranje, Bujanovac i jug Srbije u dometu APC pomoći

Vranje, južna Srbija. Naš mobilni tim pokriva ovaj deo Srbije, deli humanitarnu pomoć izbeglicama, majkama i deci, kojima je preko potrebna sveža hrana, pirinač, voće, vitamini ali i Anti-covid oprema i higijena, a u okviru projekta “Hitna multisektorska podrška migrantima/azilantima/licima…

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Pomoć tražiocima azila prilikom kupovine personalizovanih busplus kartica.

25.09.2020. Belgrade, APC/CZA volonteri, studenti i kulturni medijatori uz superviziju stručnih radnika naše organizacije u Beogradu pomažu tražiocima azila i izbeglicama prilikom kupovine personalizovanih Busplus kartica za prevoz. Kao i domaći građani – ako su nezaposleni, tražioci azila i izbeglice…

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Pomoć u otvaranju računa u banci i u zapošljavanju

Beograd 08.09.2020. Godinama APC integracijski tim pomaže tražiocima azila i izbeglicama u Srbiji da otvore račun u banci koji im je potreban radi primanja zarede, novčane socijalne pomoći, pomoći porodice.. U svim sredinama širom Srbije naši zaposleni, kolege i kulturni…

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Refugees are arriving to Belgrade with serious injuries from the violence and illegal push back from the borders.

06.09.2020. Belgrade, Many of refugee are arriving to Belgrade with serious injuries from the violence and illegal push back from the border with Hungary or Croatia, they are staying in the parks around the main bus station in center Belgrade.…

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APC/CZA mobile team monitor the border between Serbia/Croatia/Hungary.

03.09.2020. Sid, While visiting an open location in Sid, the mobile APC/CZA team of lawyer and psychologist providing legal and psychosocial support/counseling for refugees to understand their legal position, their rights, obligations and possibilities to protect themselves. APC/CZA mobile team…

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Polazak mlade Zeynab u srednju skolu

Beograd, 02.o9.2020., Uključivanje u obrazovni sistem predstavlja jedan od najbitnijih aspekata integracije i preduslov psihosocijalne stabilnosti izbeglica i njihovog povezivanja sa lokalnom zajednicom. Integracijski sektor APC/CZA nastoji da svojim klijentima obezbedi ostvarivanje prava na obrazovanje, imajući na umu da  je…

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