Početna / Legal aid / APC contributes EUAA’S Annual 2023 Report

APC contributes EUAA’S Annual 2023 Report

European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has published its annual report on the state of affairs in asylum and the reception of refugees in the countries of the European Union.

Our Asylum Protection Center contributed to the process of writing this annual EUAA report with a report on the state of asylum and reception in Serbia and on the borders with the European Union (https://www.asileproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022 /08/D5.2_WP5-Serbia-Country-Report-Final.pdf) which the representatives of our organization wrote together with professor Thomas Spijkerborger from the University of Amsterdam, within the ASILE project (https://www.asileproject.eu/). Our report was of particular importance for European Union Agency for Asylum in the part related to the situation and respect for the right to asylum at the borders of the EU with Serbia as a third country at the external borders of the EU.

In the EUAA’s annual report, it is emphasized that over 5 million people arrived in the European Union in 2022, of which over 4 million refugees from Ukraine and over 966,000 people from other countries of the world who requested asylum. Most people sought asylum in Germany (244,000 applications), France (156,000), Spain (118,000), Austria (109,000) and Italy (84,000).

The main countries of origin of refugees are Syria (138,000), Afghanistan (132,000), Turkey (58,000), Venezuela (51,000) and Colombia (43,000).

Over 42,000 unaccompanied minors sought asylum, most of them from Afghanistan and Syria.

Over 93% of all refugees from Syria who sought asylum in the EU were granted the same. Over 39% of all first-instance decisions were positive and granted protection to refugees who requested it.

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