Početna / CURRENTLY / LATEST / Đurović: Less and less understanding for refugees in the developed world countries

Đurović: Less and less understanding for refugees in the developed world countries

Source: Beta, N1

Belgrade, 06/20/2022- The executive director of Asylum Protection Center, Radoš Đurović, assessed there is less and less understanding for refugees and for solidarity in sharing the burden of refugees among the developed world countries, while the movements of people fleeing the war and violence are increasing.

Đurović, in a statement on the occasion of Refugee Day – June 20, stated that day is marked in the uncertainty of which direction the world will move in the future when it comes to the protection of refugees.

He noted that efforts are being made from Europe to the USA to stop the migration with force or borders.

“Fences are being built, refugees are being forcibly returned, transit countries are being pressured to stop the migration of people, many of whom are refugees,” he said.

He stated that the legal and political struggle regarding the transfer of asylum seekers/refugees from Great Britain to Rwanda is an illustrative example of this new dilemma “how to proceed”.

“International obligations require from Britain to abandon the policy of delegating responsibility for refugees to the third world underdeveloped countries such as Rwanda, while there are increasingly vocal attitude that Britain should withdraw from international conventions that oblige it to behave differently, in the spirit of international refugee law,” he said.

He said that “if Britain successfully sets a precedent, many other developed countries can follow its lead and try to free themselves of the responsibility and burden” of accepting refugees – people fleeing persecution and violence, at the expense of underdeveloped third countries.

“Today, the burden of migration and refugees is mostly borne by third world countries, such as Turkey, Kenya, Lebanon, Bangladesh and others, and not by the most developed countries in the world,” said Đurović.

He also stated that even 83 percent of the entire world’s refugee population is in underdeveloped and developing countries, which is more than 83 million refugees.


Link: https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/djurovic-u-zemljama-razvijenog-sveta-sve-manje-razumevanja-za-izbeglistvo/

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