недеља, 19. јануар 2025.
Početna / AKTUELNO / Posle neuspelog  puča u Turskoj uvećava se priliv izbeglica u Grčku

Posle neuspelog  puča u Turskoj uvećava se priliv izbeglica u Grčku


Priredio: APC   foto: Konstantin Mavroudis

Atina,1. avgusta –  Migracioni tokovi iz Turske u Gr?ku su, prema zvani?nim gr?kim podacima, intenzivirani posle neuspelog državnog udara u Ankari, zvani?ni su podaci iz gr?kog Ministarstva za migracije i obalske straže.

Od propalog državnog udara 15. jula, broj izbeglica koji  iz Turske stižu u u Gr?ku preko Egejskog mora uve?ao se dnevno u proseku za  100 ljudi.

Ukupno 118 izbeglica i migranata je registrovano 29. jula 2016. kao nove pridošlice na Lezbos (104), Leros (13) i Hios (1).

Dan ranije je stiglo ukupno 108 ljudi stigao, dok je 27. jula, bilo je 85 ljudi.

Prema najnovijim podacima ukupno 9.313 izbeglica i migranata su zarobljeni na ostrvima isto?nog Egejskog mora: 3.933 na Lezbosu, 2.555 na Hiosu, 1.344 na Samos, 979 na Kosu i 678 na Lerosa.

Novi priliv izbeglica  izbeglice i migranti u Gr?ku tuma?i se  njihovim strahom od nestabilne politi?ke situacije u Turskoj. Iako znaju, da ?e biti jednostavno uhapšeni i da ?e morati da podnesu zahtev za azil, uz visok  rizik da se vrate u Tursku u skladu sa  dogovorom EU i Turske. Jedan od  mogu?ih scenaria koji pominju mediji je i to da turski predsednik Redžep Erdogan, ?iji je šef diplomatije danas saopštio da   Turska ?e prestati da ispunjava obaveze koje je preuzela na sebe u sklopu migrantskog sporazuma s Evropom ukoliko EU ne ukine vize za Turke do po?etka ili sredine oktobra, želi da pošalje politi?ku poruku u Briselu. Tako?e je logi?no da je Ankara je trenutno previše zauzeta obra?unom sa protivnicima Erdoganovog režima da bi držala na oku  švercere na svojoj jugo-zapadnoj obali i pokušavala da sprovede dogovor  sa EU o zaustavljanju  migracija.


Refugee flows to Greece increase after Turkish Coup attempt, as Erdogan plays the Migration Card again


Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Politics

Refugees and migrants flow has intensified after the failed coup in Turkey. According to official data from the Greek Migration Ministry and the Coast Guard.

Since the failed coup attempt on July 15th, new arrivals from Turkey to Greece have increased with the daily average to reach 100 people.

July 29 2016 a total of 118 refugees and migrants have been registered as new arrivals on Lesvos (104), Leros (13) and Chios (1).

A day earlier a total of 108 people arrived, while on July 27th, there were 85 people.

According to latest data a total of 9,313 refugees and migrants are trapped on the islands of the eastern Aegean Sea: 3,933  on Lesvos, 2,555 on Chios, 1,344 on Samos, 979 on Kos and 678 on Leros.

It is logical that refugees and migrants trying to reach Greece fearing of the unstable political situation in Turkey. Even though they know, that they will be simply arrested and will have to submit asylum request, with the risk to be sent back to Turkey to remain high due to the EU Turkey deal.

It is also logical that Ankara is currently much too busy with purging and persecuting the Guleniststhan keeping an eye on the smugglers at its south-west coast and trying to implement the EU Turkey Migration deal.

However, amid the political turbulence in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – apparently angered by Europeans criticizing the unprecedented dimensions of Ankara’s purge and witch hunt – reminded Europe of the Refugee issue for which he holds the keys.

Speaking to German state ARD broadcast two days ago, Erdogan said

“Turkey still hosts three million people. What would Europe do if we let these people go to Europe?”

He accused the European governments of being “not honest” and claimed that the EU has not paid the 3 billion euro it had promised together with the deal.

Prompt was the answer of the European Commission that issued a statement saying that the EC has already mobilised €2.155 billion out of foreseen €3 billion for this and next year.

The EU has mobilised  more than €2 billion to finance actions in the field of health, education, socio-economic support as well as humanitarian assistance for Syrian refugees.

€79 million have been allocated for humanitarian aid projects to a number of partners, including UN agencies, international organisations as well as international NGOs.

€169million has been allocated to Turkey in 2016

Over €1.4 billion in support of refugees who fled from the war in Syria and to assist their host communities has been approved as Special Measure.






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