недеља, 16. фебруар 2025.
Početna / AKTUELNO / Nemačka vratila u prvoj polovini ove godine  13.000 migranata sa granice

Nemačka vratila u prvoj polovini ove godine  13.000 migranata sa granice

priredio:APC   foto: REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay

BERLIN, 9. avgust – Nema?ka je vratila više od 13.000 migranata sa granice u prvoj polovini 2016. godine, znatno više nego ?itave prošle godine.

Ministarstvo unutršnjih poslova navelo je, da 13.324 ljudi nije dobilo dozvolu ulaska izme?u januara i juna, a da je od toga 11.239 vra?eno sa kopnenih granica, 4.000 više nego u celoj 2015. godine prenosi Rojters.

Najve?i deo odbijenih  su Avganistanac (Više od 2.500) , Sirijci(1.300 Sirijaca) i Ira?ani (1.000) podaci su Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova. Slede Iranci, Marokanci, Nigerijci, Pakistanci, Gambians, Somalijci i Alžirci.

Glavni razlozi su, kako je navedeno, bili to što ta lica nisu imala važe?a putna dokumenta ili su imala falsifikovane vize.

Broj ljudi koji traže azil u Nema?koj drasti?no je opao ove godine što je prouzrokovalo zatvaranja Balkanske rute, sporazum EU-Turska i oštra pravila za azil u Nema?koj.

Migranti koji dolaze u Nema?koj registruju se  u prihvatnim centrima gde im predstoji  višemese?no ?ekanje pre nego što zvani?no mogu da podnesu zahtev za azil.


 Germany has curbed open-door policy for migrants, government data shows

BERLIN, Germany appears to have drastically curtailed its open-door policy for migrants in 2016, turning away 13,000 people without valid documentation in the first six months, already 4,000 more than in the whole of 2015, official data showed on Tuesday.
Around 117,500 migrants were admitted in the same period, compared to a record of more than one million migrants entering the country last year, mainly across the border from Austria.

The bulk of the rejections happened at land entry points and Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis made up the three largest groups of the total, the Interior Ministry data published at the request of the hard-left Die Linke party showed.

Chancellor Angela Merkel last month interrupted her summer break to defend her government’s migration policy after two Islamist attacks by asylum seekers, saying that those fleeing conflicts and persecution have the right to asylum in Germany.

More than 2,500 Afghans, 1,300 Syrians and 1,000 Iraqis were declined entry at border crossings in the January-June period, the ministry said. Iranians, Moroccans, Nigerians, Pakistanis, Gambians, Somalis and Algerians made up the rest of the top 10.

The number of people seeking asylum in Germany dropped drastically this year as a result of border closures in the Balkans, an EU-Turkey deal to stop sea arrivals in Greece and tougher asylum rules in Germany.

In July, 4,500 migrants arrived in Germany, less than half of the daily arrivals at the peak of the crisis in the fall of last year, German police said earlier this month, bringing the number of arrivals in the first seven months of the year to 122,000.

Migrants who arrive in Germany are first registered at reception centres where they have to wait for months before they can officially file an asylum application, creating a huge backlog and putting strain on civil servants.


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