понедељак, 10. фебруар 2025.
Početna / AKTUELNO / Dodeljen prvi azil u Srbiji maloletniku bez pratnje

Dodeljen prvi azil u Srbiji maloletniku bez pratnje

At the end of 2018, an unaccompanied minor girl from an African country received asylum in Serbia – this was the first instance of asylum being granted to an unaccompanied minor in our country.


We are talking about a young girl who found herself in Serbia more than half a year ago, who was a victim of human trafficking and who APC represented through the entire process of seeking asylum.

She was deceived, with the promise that she will have the opportunity to finish schooling, was taken from her homeland to one of our neighbouring countries she was violently involved in a prostitution ring.

Although she managed to seek protection, she was illegally pushed into Serbia, where she had never entered or stayed before.

Responsible institutions in Serbia reacted quickly in this case.

It’s been a little over than half a year before she was granted asylum.

During the asylum procedure, it was confirmed that she was a victim of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

As a basis for granting asylum, the decision stated that all conditions prescribed by the Protocol for the Prevention, Suppression and Punishment of Human Trafficking, especially women and children, from 2000, were met.

APC said that last year, nearly 700 unaccompanied minors expressed intent to seek asylum, out of a total of 8,433 people, which is more than eight percent of all asylum seekers.

„Currently in Serbia we have more than 200 unaccompanied parents in Sjenica only, while in Krnjaca and across other centers there are over 400 children in total,“ said APC.

The organization estimated that it is necessary to continue with this practice and to quickly implement asylum procedures for children without parents in order to either get protection in Serbia or be connected with parents, if they are safe.

„Unaccompanied minors should be accommodated in special institutions for the work and accommodation of children without parents, not in adult reception center which is very much the case in Serbia. Imagine that your own child is in a camp in a distant country with adults who are completely unknown, from other countries, other customs and languages. The possibilities for a child to be in an endangered situation and abused are huge,“ APC added.

At this moment, many of the older unaccompanied youth are outdoors and are not accommodated, and the capacities for accommodating unaccompanied minors are not sufficient for the needs that exist,“ the center said.


autor:APC i BETA      foto:Reuters

Beograd,28.januara – Krajem 2018 godine maloletna devojčica iz jedne afričke zemlje dobila je azil u Srbiji i to je prvi azil dodeljen maloletnom licu bez pratnje u našoj zemlji.

Reč je o devojčici koja je žrtva trgovine ljudima i koju je  APC zastupao u postupku traženja azila, nakon što se pre više od pola godine našla u Srbiji.

Ona je na prevaru, uz obećanje da ce imati mogućnost da završi školovanje, odvedena iz svoje domovine u jednu našu susednu zemlju gde je nasilno uključena u lanac prostitucije.

Iako je uspela da zatraži zaštitu ilegalno je gurnuta u Srbiju u koju nikada ranije nije niti ušla niti u njoj boravila.

Nadležne institucije u Srbiji su brzo reagovale u ovom slučaju.

Prošlo je nešto duže od pola godine pre nego što je dobila azil.

Tokom azilnog postupka je potvrđeno  da je reč o  žrtvi trgovine ljudima sa ciljem seksualne eksploatacije.

Kao osnov za dodelu azila u odluci je navedeno da su ispunjena svi uslovi propisani Protokolom za prevenciju, suzbijanje i kažnjavanje trgovine ljudskim bićima, naročito ženama i decom iz 2000 godine.

APC je naveo da je prošle godine gotovo 700 dece bez pratnje roditelja izrazilo nameru da traži azil, od ukupno 8.433 lica, što je više od osam odsto svih tražilaca azila.

„Trenutno u Srbiji imamo više od 200 maloletnika bez pratnje roditelja samo u Sjenici, dok u Krnjači i u drugim centrima ukupno imamo više od 400 dece“, rečeno je u APC.

Organizacija je ocenila da je potrebno nastaviti sa tom praksom i brzo sprovoditi postupke azila za decu bez roditelja, kako bi oni ili dobili zaštitu u Srbiji ili bili spojeni sa roditeljima, ako su oni na sigurnom.

„Decu bez roditelja treba smeštati u posebne ustanove za rad i smeštaj dece bez roditelja, nikako u centre za prihvat koji su namenjeni odraslima, što je sada masovno slučaj u Srbiji. Zamislite da vaše dete bude potpuno samo u nekom kampu u nekoj dalekoj zemlji sa odraslima koji su potpuno nepoznati, iz drugih zemalja, drugih običaja, jezika.. Mogućnosti da dete bude ugroženo i zloupotrebljeno su ogromne“, dodali su u APC.

U APC navode da Srbiji nedostaje poseban centar za smeštaj dece izbeglica bez roditelja gde bi imali potrebnu stručnu pomoć i brigu.

„U ovom trenutku mnogi od starijih maloletnika bez roditelja se nalaze na otvorenom i nisu u smeštaju, a kapaciteti za smeštaj dece bez pratnje roditelja nisu dovoljni za potrebe koje postoje“, smatraju u tom centru.

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